
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Sense of Life

November 28, 2003
Sense of Life
Meanings of Christmas Revisited
by Tibor R. Machan
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Sometimes one ought to repeat a point, even over and over again, since it is important enough to call attention to it often. Given that many people, celebrities with lots of exposure in the media, manage to repeat idiotic points, I have resolved to refute them repeatedly. (Read more...)
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November 24, 2003
Sense of Life
All Blacked Out
by Ross Elliot
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As we all know, rugby is a significant Sense of Life issue. If you don't know this, go to the back of the class, be quiet and pay attention. (Read more...)
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October 24, 2003
Sense of LifeThe Free Radical
Fostering Global Francophobia
by Sam Pierson
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Address delivered at SOLO Conference #2, Auckland, February 16, 2003 (Read more...)
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August 15, 2003
Sense of Life
Thanks for the Technology!
by Tibor R. Machan
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In 1972 I bought a Volvo P1800 off the Chevy used car lot in Santa Barbara, California. I owned that car for 20 years and am still sad to have had to sell it in 1992, after putting 250,000 miles on it and driving it back and forth over the USA nearly 17 times. (Read more...)
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June 23, 2003
Sense of Life
Aviation: The Conquest of the Skies by the Mind
by Scott Wilson
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Few things are more inspirational to me than aviation - it is one of the greatest conquests of man's mind over his environment, it is the destruction of the limitations of man's anatomy in one dimension. (Read more...)
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June 11, 2003
Sense of Life
An Objectivist Tale of Two Lovers
by Paul M. Kay
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A tale of attitudes regarding sex. (Read more...)
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May 29, 2003
Sense of Life
Basketball Diary: The Will To Win!
by Kristin Currier
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It was game 5 out of the best of seven, and if the Dallas Mavericks lost this one, they'd be out of the series for good. (Read more...)
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May 26, 2003
Sense of Life
A Timeless Tale
by Lindsay Perigo
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Today a tale of two men, vastly different in nature & stature, separated by two hundred years, but both to their own selves true. (Read more...)
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May 13, 2003
Sense of Life
Titanic Trio
by Lindsay Perigo
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One memorable night, not so long ago, I imbibed some high-octane emotional fuel, sitting down with like-minded people to watch television documentaries on three giants, each a genius in his own field - author/philosopher Ayn Rand, singer Mario Lanza & architect Frank Lloyd Wright. (Read more...)
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April 17, 2003
Sense of Life
Twelve Worthy Cylinders
by Sam Pierson
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No self-respecting person builds statues unto themselves. (Read more...)
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February 10, 2003
Sense of Life
"I Didn't Know"
by Christy Little
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I was 6 years old when I began a dangerous family joke at the dinner table. (Read more...)
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December 10, 2002
Sense of Life
A Beautiful Woman as Spiritual Fuel
by Paul M. Kay
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Another source of spiritual fuel and emotional nourishment: the sight of a beautiful woman. (Read more...)
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November 18, 2002
Sense of Life
I, Muggle
by Craig Ceely
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The Muggles are all around us. What about the wizards and demons? (Read more...)
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November 14, 2002
Sense of Life
Objectivist Comstockery? Ms. Rand or Mrs. Grundy
by Anthony Teets
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Can one be an Objectivist and a prude? Should one? (Read more...)
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November 13, 2002
Sense of Life
Reality: Our Objective, Benevolent Friend
by Glenn Lamont
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How many times have you said "Life is unfair?" Glenn Lamont has a few words for you... (Read more...)
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November 5, 2002
Sense of Life
Smith, Marx, Nock: The Hyper-Focus on Economics
by Kyrel Zantonavitch
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How have Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and Albert J. Nock helped bring us where we are today? (Read more...)
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October 24, 2002
Sense of Life
Longing for The Good Old Days
by Francois Tremblay
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Who needs modern communications? By not reading the news every day, men have more time to chop wood and fill the holes in the roof with mud. (Read more...)
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October 18, 2002
Sense of Life
The Purpose of the Rainbow
by Craig Ceely
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The rainbow was there, pretty and pleasing in the early evening sky. The Golden Arches thrust themselves rudely into that same sky. And there was all the difference... (Read more...)
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October 15, 2002
Sense of Life
Perigo's Law
by Lindsay Perigo
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Now, it's one thing for advocates of mystic, collectivist and other irrational ideas to fight among themselves--but what are we to make of the fact that avowed apostles of reason and individualism seem to be just as quarrelsome? (Read more...)
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October 14, 2002
Sense of Life
The Importance of Being
by Ross Elliot
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The two million acres of New Zealand's McKenzie Country is a harsh yet glorious environment within which modern man has tested himself for 150 years... (Read more...)
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September 23, 2002
Sense of Life
Politically Incorrect Editorial, Mon Sept 23
by Lindsay Perigo
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The object lesson that Germany & New Zealand both currently provide is this: as long as capitalism-& a mongrelised mixed-economy version of it at that-is promoted on collectivist grounds, it is doomed to win battles but lose the war. (Read more...)
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September 5, 2002
Sense of LifeThe Free Radical
by Lindsay Perigo
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Linday Perigo's description of SOLO, given at the inaugural SOLO conference in NZ. (Read more...)
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August 29, 2002
Sense of Life
Theft? You be the Judge.
by Malcolm MacKenzie
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In 1966 I was posted to Sharjah in the Trucial States of Oman. I was in the Royal Air Force at the time and this was where 'someone in authority' had decided to send me. I was posted to a vast expanse of sand in the middle of nowhere. I didn't deserve it! (Read more...)
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August 21, 2002
Sense of Life
Weaving the World's Dreams
by Matthew Graybosch
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The world needs a hero. Not a hero to save the world from itself, but one who can inspire man to rise up, take responsibility for his fate, and create his own salvation. (Read more...)
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August 14, 2002
Sense of Life
A Friend... To Values
by Arthur Silber
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Certain stories, almost mythic in nature, connect to our deepest values. For this reason, our response to them reveals our sense of life in a manner that most other events do not. I know that many people who identify themselves as Objectivists, to one degree or another, may not understand why I view the following story -- a true one -- as inspiring, and profoundly moving. (Read more...)
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